Learn from CFRE Intl's education resources director
At noon Thursday, May 25, CFRE International Education Resources Director Jeff Stanger will oversee the webinar How to Become a CFRE—and attendance is worth one point on your own CFRE journey!
This online only webinar is $20 for AFP NEPA Chapter members, while non-members can register for $30. The session includes time for a Q&A portion. See below for more information on Jeff.

Since 2012, Jeff Stanger has served CFRE International in several positions, including his current role as education resources director. Stanger has served on the faculty of The Fund Raising School at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University. He is a frequent speaker and workshop facilitator on a variety of fundraising topics, including social media, annual campaigns, marketing, crisis communications, and grant writing. He is also an author and has contributed chapters to Achieving Excellence in Fundraising Volumes III and IV. Prior to joining CFRE International, Stanger served as development director for The Salvation Army of Indiana.